Tuesday Teaching


Balance is the word for 2020!! At least it is my word! I want and need a more balanced life.

What does that mean in the real world and why is this a Tuesday Teaching moment?

Well for me this means I am not all consumed with work from September to June. Which is my usual mode of operandi. I make sure to take care of myself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Why do I need a word?

Oprah says so!! I had the opportunity to attend her 2020 Vision Tour in Atlanta. Having a word that drives drives your intention is one of the many things she spoke about.

I plan on writing a whole post about Oprah and her tour in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Why is this a Tuesday Teaching moment?

I truly believe having a word to focus on is a great way to form other goals around that one word. It is important to me to live a fulfilling and happy life, I can only do that if I have more balance between my professional and personal life. I want to be healthy in all areas, I can only do that if I am eating a balanced diet, taking a balanced approach to my activity, and making sure I am doing the things I need, to be emotionally balanced. It all comes back to the word that drives my intentions.

What is your word? What are your intentions for yourself in 2020?