Tuesday Teaching!
I have gone off the rails a little in the last week.
I thought I was ready to get back into the groove of the school year but the stress and tiredness have taken over already.
There is also some family stuff that is bringing up all kinds of stuff for me.
This week’s Tuesday Teaching is a little pep talk to myself and anyone else who has fallen off the rails. This could be in terms of making good life choices, doing things to take care of yourself, making time with family and friends….really anything you have been working on to better your life and yourself!
Getting back on the rails can be a challenge but you owe it to yourself to be the best version of yourself. Do one small thing today to help yourself get back to where you want to be.
My one thing is going for a run this afternoon. This will serve two purposes…first of all; I will be doing at least one active thing, second…it will remind me why I prefer getting it done in the AM, thus motivating me to get up tomorrow morning 🙂